
VozSorda/ MuffledVoice
Jaume Ferrete
May-August 2015


MuffledVoice is a research and creation project that about hearing impaired communities. This research took as a point of departure the political dimentions of the human voice, and was developed through a series of interviews at Lengua de Señas Mexicana, as well as archival and bibliographyc research.

MuffledVoice understands hearing impaired persons as a social and cultural group within full rights, whose difference enbodies potential for a radical transformation of our ways of being–persons and being–in the world–, individually as well as collectively.

The project included a collective workshop oriented towards a public interested in the political dimention of the human voice and hearing impairement, as well as a final presentation, conversatory and performance, oppened to general public.


Jaume Ferrete (1980) works with the voice and its periferies. He develops his work in the fields of visual arts, music, scenic arts and educational areas, amongst others. His work has been awarded different grants, scholarships and residencies at institutions such as the Departamento de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Matadero (Madrid), the Helsinki International Artists in Residency Project and Vessel Art Projects (Bari), amongst others. Since 2008 he co-coordinates Sons de Barcelona, a project that explores aural pedagogy, which was gestated at the Grupo de Tecnología Musical at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.